Regional Workshop: Capacity Building Workshop Valuation of Ecosystem Services for Effective Public Policy in Latin America

13th – 17th Aug 2012, Quito, Ecuador 

The workshop, which was organised by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in close cooperation with the National Planning and Development Secretariat (SENPLADES) and the Ministry of Environment on behalf of the Government of Ecuador, and the Latin America Faculty of Social Sciences (FLASCO-Ecuador), aimed to set up a Latin America platform (network or think tank) dealing with policy innovations for realising the values of ecosystem services.

The meeting's objectives were:

  1. To enhance the capacity of senior level policy makers from the Latin America region to evaluate the different dimensions of ecosystem services, and to incorporate such values into policy design.
  2. T o share innovative experiences (tools and policy responses) from Latin America for realising the economic value of ecosystem services.

Download UNEP Capacity Building for Valuation of Ecosystem Services report

Workshop documents


Day 1 - Context

Pushpam Kumar Roldan Muradian Joan Martinez Alier Maria Cristina Vallejo Juan Pablo Casteneda

Day 2 - Tools

Evaluacion multicriterial nociones basicas Evaluacion multicriterial de la iniciativa Yasuni ITT Ecuador Politicas innovadoras para el reconocimiento de los servicios ambientales

Day 3 - Innovative Policies